t-shirtFakemon Surprise your friends with a new piece of clothing Refresh your wardrobe and surprise your friends with a new piece of clothing with full prints that radiates colors and creativity. Let your outfit become a topic of conversation and an inspiration to others. ...
本吧热帖: 1-我自己也开始了 2-【我是怎么画图鉴的】 3-【fakemon吧】导航 4-新画的设计草图 5-[公告]关于撤销 橘冰 吧主管理权限的说明 6-第三个啊~ 7-僵尸二段 8-啊啊啊,有新的宠设 9-NO:106 10-竟然这个吧~~
满满的继续发几个有趣..Pokemon saga 是個很有名的系列,有一些非常出色捉人眼球的设计,尽管更多的是凑泊速成之作,以及几乎“描改”的作品。多数同人都是这样子。不过我们总是能从稗子里找到堪比原作的小麦的,而这些小麦更
Fakemon aptly acquired their namedue to being Fake Pokémon, combining the term in the same fashion that the original name ofPokémon, "Pocket Monsters," formed the franchise name. Within the fandom, it is not uncommon to find imagery of hand-drawn or digital art pieces of monsters that don...
This is a world where any creation, where every dream is possible. Convert your Fakemon dreams into pages that are easily accessed online! And the best part is, anyone can do it! Whether you're a collector, a traditional Trainer, or someone who aspires t
#108基本资料名字:伪装兽 フェイクモン Fakemon应用:伪装伪装级别:极度极度属性:工具首次登场:2016年9月 3DS 数码兽宇宙 应用怪兽名字来源:英语【Fake】假的,假装技能:声音模仿 Imitation Noise イミテーションノイズ 小丑面具 Crown Mask ク
(新坑)Fakemo..编号:#001名称:咬咬鳄(Nawdile) 分类:幼鳄宝可梦属性:草 特性:茂盛隐藏特性:蛇皮身高: 1'04"(约0.4米)体重:12.5 磅(约5.6千克)图鉴介绍:咬咬鳄淘气
Fakemon是网站Deviantart上流行的一个创作主题:原创口袋妖怪。选了一些跟自然控主题比较相关的作品给大家欣赏。 图片来自deviantart,作者hallm3 从奇形怪状的大花可以看出,这个臭美的土豆(?)是西番莲属(Passiflora.spp)的果实,也就是百香果。能吃,味酸而香,是否好吃要看你喜不喜欢了。