Matthew McConaughey says Snoop Dogg swapped fake weed for real weed while filming their new movieJohn Lynch
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It is not easy trying to weed through the fakes but you can tell if someone is truly interested in you. You can tell if someone wants to get to know you as a person. 14 Comments » The Definition Of BDSM Has Changed Posted in 24/7, @vile62 on Twitter, abuse, anal sex, anger...
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This is a dead giveaway when trying to weed through the fake and the real review sites out there. It may look legitimate but if you look closer and see other posts on random topics about the weather, the price of food and bitcoins chances are this is some guy with a fake review site...
Olympics, recently ThreatLabz has observed an increase in newly registered domains related to the FIFA World Cup. Not all of these domains are malicious, but as defenders it is important that we classify all newly registered domains as suspicious and conduct analysis to weed out hidden offenders....
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Legal vs Legacy In all of my 40+ years of consuming cannabis, I have never bought mouldy weed. I’ve never found insects in a bag of weed either, and I have hardly even seen a seed since the mid 1980s. And I’ve never had to wait 2-4 weeks for my medication. None of that is...
M1 Power Reserve: 38 hours Price: CHF29, 500 Check it out We had an interpreter, but there’s no real infrastructure for flight out there, ” explained Matt. “When we set off from one airfield, the best we could do is check what the weather was like at the next. One day it was...
The fake news on the other hand are sponsored pages that I cannot weed out, since that is the revenue source of Facebook. But it’s a “free” service, so I suppose the alternative is to deactivate my account if I no longer find the platform useful. 0 Reply Finja 7 years ago ...