The term ‘Fake News’was popularised and politicised during the 2016 U.S. election1. It has become a ’buzzword’, used in contexts deviating from its previous definition1,2. Initially, it meant pieces of inaccurate news, often fabricated on purpose, mimicking in its form the news media ...
comes the preparation of the data set for the machine learning experiments. Due to the imbalance between the number of fake news and real news learning examples (272 to 2,094, respectively), SMOTE over-sampling is performed, as defined in [8], and thereby...
These amendments can be used to intimidate the dissent and suppress the freedom of speech since the ‘fake news’ law outlaws the dissemination of what the government deems to be ‘fake news’ – i.e. any information undesirable by the government can potentially be deemed as such. In the sa... (expired 478 days ago) (expired 478 days ago) (expired 478 days ago) (expired 478 days ago) (expired 478 days ago) (expired 478 days ago) (expired 478 days ago) wen3xt....
People often express themselves using both verbal and nonverbal cues in interactions. In text-based communication, people frequently add punctuation marks as a method of compensating for the inability to use nonverbal cues (Derks et al.,2008a,2008b). For instance, punctuation marks such as excl...
Empty CellConsiderationsMethods and metric examplesFreq Stage 0 Empty Cell What is the intended use of the dataset and the needs in terms of sharing, recreating the original data or generating new outlier scenarios? How should the quality dimensions be weighted accordingly?Are any variables in the...
The fabrication of false news of Nazis and Soviets or, more recently, the invention of weapons of mass destruction to justify participation in the Iraq war, are other examples of false news throughout history. In other words, there has always been fake news, but in cyber society a double ...