nlp machine-learning lstm-model cnn-model bert-model fake-news-detection Updated Nov 1, 2024 Python ICTMCG / GenFEND Star 14 Code Issues Pull requests Let Silence Speak: Enhancing Fake News Detection with Generated Comments from Large Language Models, CIKM 2024. data-generation fake-news-...
smaach / Fake-News-Detection Public Notifications Fork 0 Star 1 Files main Covid_19_FakeNewsDetection.ipynb DataPreProcessing.ipynb LSTM_DeepCNN_CNN.ipynb MultichannelCNN.ipynb Breadcrumbs Fake-News-Detection / LSTM_DeepCNN_CNN.ipynb Latest commit smaach Add files via uploadAug 4... 2. 3. References Cangea, C., Veličković, P., Jovanović, N., Kipf, T., Liò, P.: Towards sparse hierarchical graph classifiers. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.01287 (2018) Castillo, C...
(2018) focused on the automatic detection of fake news using NLP techniques only. Two studies can be singled out as being the closest to our work. First, Study by Collins et al. (2020) which examined fake news detection models by studying the various variants of fake news and provided a...
MDFEND: Multi-domain Fake News Detection MDFEND:多领域假新闻检测 作者:南琼、曹娟 CIKM 2021 short paper 论文地址: 数据集和代码: 本文首次建模和探索多领域虚假新闻检测问题。具体地,我们首先构建了首个中文多领域虚假新闻...
The rise of social media as a source of news consumption has led to the spread of fake news, posing serious consequences for both individuals and society. The detection and prevention of fake news are essential, and previous research has shown that incorporating news content along with its assoc...
The dynamics and influence of fake news on Twitter during the 2016 US presidential election remains to be clarified. Here, we use a dataset of 171 million tweets in the five months preceding the election day to identify 30 million tweets, from 2.2 millio
The primary motivation behind the spread of fake news is to convince the readers to believe false information related to certain events or entities. Human cognition tends to consume news more when it is visually depicted through multimedia content than j
FakeNewsCorpus.ipynb: Cleaning and preprocessing the dataset 'Fake News Corpus'. GettingRealAboutFake.ipynb: Cleaning and preprocessing the dataset 'Getting Real About Fake News' from Kaggle. TI_CNN-Dataset: Cleaning and preprocessing the tadaset 'TI-CNN'. Processing_test_dataset.ipynb: Cleaning ...
Deep fake detection using cnn, Xception, Denesenet121, GAN on four different datasets. - Jay-Suthar/DEEP-FAKE-DETECTION-using-cnn-xception-densenet121