How to add spaces to the MacOS Dock The Dock on Apple’s iMacs and Macbooks is one of the most famous user interface elements in the computing world. It’s ever present and gives you quick access to your important apps and files. But wouldn’t it be nice to have some spaces in th...
UX changed by ads that are not just shown but experience-confirming elements. Lury, in her turn, believes that “brands as interfaces are a place (…) of interactivity, not of interaction” (2004, 6). What this means is that brands need to interface and interact, and that the reason ...
Identifiziere verdächtige E-Mails und Websites Diese Frage kann selbst für versierte Digital Natives eine Herausforderung darstellen. Deshalb haben wir ein Tutorial zusammengestellt, das dir hilft, die Anzeichen zu erkennen.Tipps zur Erkennung von gefälschten Telefonanrufen...