This should not be the case if Covid is not viral. Who is right, how can we know and how many must suffer and die before the truth is revealed? Reply A Anthanovich 09/01/2022 • Steve, Maybe “Covid” was nothing more than a bad seasonal flu? The PCR test was used to ...
How much do you want to bet that Jane Sanders walks, in spite of a strong prima face case of financial fraud? What ever happened to the Abedin/Weiner files on the confiscated computer? Why didn’t the FBI get a warrant for the DNC computers/servers when it was obvious some sort of ...
(last solo) - Ian Moore Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas Carry That Weight - Beatles Carrying Your Love With Me - George Strait Case Of You A - Joni Mitchell Castaway - Green Day Castles Made Of Sand - Jimi Hendrix Casual Affair A - Tonic Cat People - David Bowie Cat Scratch Fever...