The attacks are also a continuation of anongoing campaignthat has distributed similar rewards-themed apps for other Indian banks such as the State Bank of India (SBI) and Axis Bank in the past. Once installed, the fraudulent app not only asks for extensive permissions, but also requests users...
In its colonial past, the island changed hands between the French and British a total of 14 times. This heritage, mixed with the influence of East Indian and African cultures, has left a unique imprint. The cuisine combines these cultures to create something totally unique. Expect to eat repl...
A similar problem was discovered in here India a few days ago. A huge amount of impressively made fake Indian currency notes have been found that actually incorporate almost all the anti-forgery techniques found in the real notes. ““Many covert features of genuine Indian currency were successfu...
What is more, you can buycounterfeit moneyat our store. We sell 100% undetectable fake money in the currencies that have great value, such as euro, U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, British pound, Indian Rupee, Dinar, Swiss franc, and others. Most of these currencies are ...
(C2) server is related to 75 other malicious APKs based on open-source intelligence. Some of the malicious APKs also use the same Indian bank’s logo as the fake app that we investigated, which could indicate that the actors are continuously genera...
He convinced the criminals to visit a website, which he had set up in advance, where he said a friend had stored data for another credit card. In fact, the site contained nothing but one line of text, but when the criminals went to the site, the Web server logged their data, which...
A fake IP address can be used for multiple purposes. Still, most commonly, they are used as spoofed source addresses to gain unauthorized access from other computers on the internet to break into restricted networks and machines as well as commit credit card fraud, identity theft, etc. ...
One of FakeCop Android Malware's interesting features is the ability to send text messages, which the criminals could abuse for monetary gain, usually by sending hidden premium text messages. Users are likely to only find out about this when they get their monthly phone bill. However, the sam...
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To request confidential information over the internet or by telephone under false pretenses in order to fraudulently obtain credit card numbers, passwords, or other personal data. [Alteration (influenced byphreak) offish.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyrig...