Don't be fooled. They want that information so they can actually charge your credit card, steal money from your bank account, oruse your identity to open other accounts. But wait, there's more Often there's another part to the scam. The scammers may ask you to download a file, usuall...
You can get hurt or hurt someone else.Depending on the type of job you are applying for, lying about your abilities can be potentially dangerous to you or others around you. For example, if you claim to have knowledge in specific healthcare practices that you do not actually have, it can...
Anastasia is a scam and her review of them makes me sure that she works for them. Most women in the Ukraine don’t have internet. Yet there are always tons of women online at Anastasia. It’s because it’s THEIR JOB! I hope that this helps. Martin Read More...
Scammers don’t actually send any shoes, just steal money. Legit HOKA retailers could never sustain those low prices at scale.Are the cheap HOKAs on Facebook ads real?No. While ads may claim “60% Off!” or “HOKA Sale!”, it always links to fake scam sites, never the real company...
Credit: Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images No matter what you're looking for on a dating app, most of us can agree on one thing: we want to talk to real human beings. No spammers, no scammers, and certainly no fake profiles. Bumble is launching a new AI-powered tool ...
Perhaps the best thing about these guys is that they have targeted services, which means that you aren’t just going to get random Discord online members for your content, you’re going to get people who are going to actually want to interact with what you’ve got going on. ...
When people hear of tragic events, many naturally feel compelled to do whatever they can to help. The internet and its crowdfunding sites make it easy to do that in seconds by using a credit card or external service like PayPal. One simple way to avoid a GoFundMe scam is to use an exte...
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.Here’s how it works. (Image credit: NASA / Getty Images) With the proliferation of AI-generated imagery and rise of deepfake video, it's becoming increasingly difficult to tell whether footage...
"As a non-lawyer, I have not kept up with emerging trends (and related risks) in legal technology and did not realize that Google Bard was a generative text service that, like Chat-GPT, could show citations and descriptions that looked real but actually were not," Cohen said....
and we do not know—were apparently an intolerable injection of objective journalism into whatever it is that NBC News does now. (Whatever it is, as Harry Reid would say, “It works!”) NBC says it is “investigating.” Funny, the Pelosi attack was daily fare before the election; now ...