Faithful 64x Beta 5.1 - 2nd Anniversary Update Release R 1.19 Jul 9, 2022 Members Faithful_Resource_PackOwner haryamcAuthor Our Other Projects: Faithful is a collection of open source and community-driven Minecraft resource packs, aiming to provide a higher-resolution version of the default Minecr...
Faithful 64x - Release Supported Versions 1.21.1 1.21 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects Added: Entity: - Wolf Chestnut (HARYA_) - Wolf Chestnut Angry (HARYA_) - Wolf Chestnut Tame (HARYA_) Font: - Accented (HARYA_, jogurciQ, Evorp, aebrakerisaesthetic) - Ascii (HARYA_,...
Faithful 64x 材质包由作者“Faithful_Resource_Pack”所制作,像素为64×64。 Faithful 64x将我的世界原版游戏的低像素高清化为64×64,但是原版材质本身并未变化,让玩家可以体验原汁原味的我的世界游戏。 材质包除特殊情况,版本一般情况可以向下兼容,但不能向上兼容。
5 out of 5 it is a no brainer that faithful 64x has become the second most famous resource pack in minecraft next to the original faithful 32×32. faithful has been one of the most downloaded texture packs to date. it has also been featured and used by numerous youtubers. let us ...
Faithful 64x 1.12.2 – Minecraft Resource Pack Uploaded on:May 28, 2019 File size: 15MB Estimated Download Time: 2.63s Advertisements Advertisements Don't miss a New Minecraft Pack again! We are one of the best places in the world for Minecraft Resource Packs. We have mods, maps and skin...
Faithful 1.20.4-1.19.4 is a resource pack with doubled and quad resolution, i.e. 32 x 32, 64 x 64 and 512x pixels in Minecraft. If you like vanilla textures, but they have too low resolution, then this set will bring the quality of graphics to a whole new level. ...
Faithful 64x64compatible versions: 1.19.4 1.19.3 1.19.2 1.19.1 1.19 1.18.2 1.18.1 1.18 1.17.1 1.17 1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3 1.16.2 1.16.1 1.16 1.15.2 1.15.1 1.15 1.14.4 1.14.3 1.14.2 1.14.1 1.14 1.13.2 1.13.1 1.13 1.12.2 ...
目前 12145 我的世界吧 ✨黑夜繁星✨ 求助材质包问题faithful64x材质包显示不出村民,只显示了衣服的一角,有大佬知道怎么解决吗,1.12.2版本的 分享52 minecraftpe吧 10935336 【0.12材质】faithful 原版-高清 64x&32x做最好的0.12faithful! 历经2次高清修复重写 4次主材质重新移植 成就了平滑版与像素版 ○精准...
Faithful 64x The go-to 64x resource pack for Minecraft. Official Java Edition repository How to download: The latest release versions can be downloaded on our website and the latest unreleased versions on our database. How to switch versions: To view the pack files and to switch between res...
【0.12材质】fa..做最好的0.12faithful!历经2次高清修复重写 4次主材质重新移植成就了平滑版与像素版○精准的色调□像素版□平滑版○精心绘制的独有材质○完全复原的控制GUI○清澈水质[V1仅像素版]○总览图□