FAITH: The Unholy Trinity 4.6 5点中 '素晴らしい' に基づく 79,200 レビュー 物語性アドベンチャーサバイバルホラーパズル FAITH は、古典的な 8 ビット ゲームの時代と 1980 年代の「悪魔の恐怖」にインスピレーションを得たピクセル ホラー ゲームです。
Notes are collectible items that appear throughout FAITH: The Unholy Trinity. Upon collecting a note, its contents are immediately displayed on screen. Notes must be read all the way through before gameplay can resume. The notes are used as the primary f
FAITH: The Unholy Trinity的最低 PC 硬體規格是多少? 查看更多常見問題 有關的 遊戲 The Last Faith 檢視 新增 US$27.99 Derange 檢視 新增 -27% US$5.99 US$4.40 Alone in the Dark 檢視 新增 US$39.99 House 檢視 新增 US$9.99 © New Blood Interactive ...
求助,本人在找一款诡..本人曾在一个网站上刷到一款仿雅达利时期风格的游戏,好像是关于解密类,画风较为诡异,并且那个网站上对其记载为“我们的儿童”,不过现在找不到了 :(
《信仰》是一款像素恐怖游戏,灵感来源于经典8位游戏时代和20世纪80年代的“撒旦恐惧”。用你的圣十字架来驱魔,反击被附身的邪教,净化闹鬼的物体。当你探索闹鬼的森林、废弃的教堂和撒旦崇拜的内部圣地时,发现一个充满恐惧、孤独和神秘的世界。 游戏特点
In this series, Gary is the human form of Astaroth (Check Gary's wiki page) and his ultimate goal is to create his own Unholy Trinity by using Miriam, Malphas, and the vessel of the Second Death (Amy), guiding them in the process. John solves a puzzle and walks down a descending ...
Well, you’re guaranteed to learn at least one word in the classical language by playing Faith: The Unholy Trinity: Mortis, or “death”, which flashes on screen every time you succumb. Facing off against legions of the damned armed with only a wooden crucifix and, well, your faith, it...
✞ EXPERIENCE ALL 3 CHAPTERS OF THE UNHOLY TRINITY ✞ FAITH- Haunted by nightmares and searching for answers, a young priest returns to the house where an exorcism went horribly wrong a year before. FAITH: Chapter II- After confronting unspeakable paranormal entities and narrowly escaping with...
1986年9月21日,两名神父来到康涅狄格州农村的马丁家,调查一宗明显的恶魔占有案件。只有两个人会活着离开房子。 《信仰》是一款像素恐怖游戏,灵感来源于经典8位游戏时代和20世纪80年代的“撒旦恐惧”。用你的圣十字架来驱魔,反击被附身的邪教,净化闹鬼的物体。当你探索闹鬼的森林、废弃的教堂和撒旦崇拜的内部圣地时...
FAITH: The Unholy Trinity 통계 제공되는 통계 플레이 시간 통계 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Time Played < 1 Hour 0% ~1 Hour 0% ~2 Hours 7.14% ~4 Hours 14.29% ~8 Hours 35.71% ~12 Hours 28.57% ~20 Hours ...