121. “Without faith a man can do nothing; with it all things are possible.”— Sir William Osler 122. “Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden, startling joys.”—Madeleine L’Engle 123. “Faith is no irresponsible shot in the dark. It is...
The Bible talks extensively about having faith in God’s love and sovereignty. When we do, while we aren’t promised that things will be easy, we can know that God is with us through thick and thin, that he cares for us. He provides us the victory in any and all circumstances. A s...
!!). Most of all, we will be positioned in the ideal will of the Lord, in the place where He wants us to be for such an hour as this. It will be good. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Until then, faith can feel hard. Extreme. Outside of the understanding ...
Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your love and grace. For You so loved us that You gave us Your only Son, Jesus. We are saved and blessed for He died for our sins, and we realize You have placed all things in His hand. Like the camellia flowers glow and shine against...
One of our sons recently told me about some things that have been bothering him. He’s making good decisions, building good habits, and getting good grades. But he can’t quite see the point in some of the things he’s studying. And all the homework sometimes makes life feel like a ...
The ensuing narrative makes clear that the cause of this religious melancholy was an overly-scrupulous conscience, the fruit of a moralistic approach to Scripture reinforced by a moralistic form of ministry. When the local Rector visits the poor of the parish, ...
We are to do all that we do in faith. In fact, Scripture says that anything not done in faith is sin (Rom. 14.23). We might even say that faith is the key to the Christian life. Over and over again we must put our faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross, the Holy Spirit...
“commandments” I am not referring only to the ten commandments, but to the will of God as revealed in scripture. I believe this is how Jesus is using the word. What is important about the word, then, is not any specific law to which is refers, but the concept of being without law...
has an emphasis of knowing the scripture, practices the “ministry of the saints” – e.g. everyone has a contribution not just the “clergy”, and lives out God’s calling daily – majoring in the major themes (like care for those without power which appears more than 1000 times in the...
Faith makes things possible, not easy. Faith diminishes fear. This means that even though things aren’t simple, having faith in yourself and the process is possible. You have as much laughter as you have faith. – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ...