acknowledgement of where we stand and what we believe.’Footnote42 The minutes state that ‘the whole gathering then instantly rose and repeated, slowly and deliberately, after Dr. MacLaren, the whole of the Apostles’ Creed.’ In 2005, this was repeated at the BWA Congress held in Birmingham...
Mr. Galli may take self-satisfaction in claiming Christians cannot“decry abortion while simultaneously supporting President Trump’s immoral behavior,”yet where is he in condemning every single politician who supports a policy which has resulted in the deaths of50 million unborn childrenin this coun...
There is great power in what we permit to happen. We do not recognize this power we have because it is invisible and not obvious. But it is present. This scripture offers a viewpoint of self-responsibility, reminding us that we usually have a choice in what we allow to happen to our ...
Faith is being certain of what we hope for and sure of what we do not see." This fact is evident throughout the scriptures. Consider belief in God's existence. I would question whether belief in God's existence is a matter of presumption or a matter of perception. For according to Rom...
By exercising our tiny faith, it grows through trial and error, again and again. But remember, with just a few words from the Lord, the heavens and the earth were created; imagine what what just one of His words, encompassed in a mustard seed, can do when we respond by faith. ...
This is the pattern of the release of power—God’s power to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. We face so many things in our lives that hinder, harass, and hurt us. But when we offer faith-desire and are willing to risk bending our will to God’s will—even if we have...
We’re Christians from loads of different cultures and backgrounds with one thing in common...we love Jesus Christ!We’re passionate about Jesus and worshipping Him and for us that’s what life is all about! Our desire is to know God more and to help everyone discover how amazing He is...
When we break, we look for a remedy from the pain. Some turn to alcohol. Some turn to sex. Some turn to pills. Some turn to secular solutions, full of promise, empty of results. If we belong to God we will see that what God could have prevented by His power, He allowed in His...
“Mommy, what do you think we will do for Valentine’s Day?” My kids asked me. Who in the world knows?! My world is combusting! How will I handle what I am facing?! How can I disaster plan? If the worst-case scenario happens, how do I rise up?
Mary DeBardelaben made a promise she’d find out how her grandmother died at the hands of lawmen who raided her rural Alabama home in 1945. Now she’s finally learning the whole truth. For these twin sisters, justice means finally learning the truth about what happened to their dad ...