Friendship Agape is an evangelical Christian church that serves the Chinese and English community in San Jose, California
Just follow these easy steps: 1.Visit: 2. Enter your parish zip code or name (St. Michael 55963 or St. Paul 55992) 3. Grow in our Catholic Faith! Scripture Quotes Pro-Life Quotes Words to Live By Church of St. Paul ...
“We have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship... Magazine 5 Plot Holes for God My problem with theism is whether God exists or not. How do... Magazine Where Is Infant Baptism in the Bible? The Catechism of the Catholic Church gives us the most... ...
Apart from Theology and Faith, Why Do I Stay in the Catholic Church? I (David) speak a lot about doctrine and stuff on this site but there are other ways I can tell God wants me to be Catholic. Before I came to the Church I was a wanderer. I never belonged anywhere. As a perfor...
We have been in business since 1971. That’s five popes ago! We love the Lord and His church. We are committed to serving you as you serve the people of God. We have long partnerships with Catholic publishers and loads of experience with faith formation products. You can count on us fo...
Join us at Community Church, a non-denominational church in Southeastern Indiana. We provide a welcoming environment where everyone can connect to God's story through inspirational teachings, unique service opportunities, and genuine relationships. Downl
Helping Jesus Christ and the Catholic Churchfill the Kingdom of Godwith People of Faith We are reconstructing our entire site to better provide our free programs, material, media, and curricula for your lifelong Catholic Faith Formation. Thank you for your patience! [Donors and Members can ...
and Polemics Protestant opinion of Catholic public activities was an ever-present concern for Catholic leaders in the church's migration westward. Throughout the 1780s and 1790s, church officials worried about appearing too foreign in the American context or too cold toward the nation's principles...
Image credit:eCatholic The Catholic belief onbirth controlis a tough pill to swallow (pun intended). Since I’m a man I often get a look of disbelief when people learn that my wife and I don’t use contraception. “You really believe in no birth control?”, they say. “Are you plan...