Book Review: Faith Has Its ReasonsBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMarc A. ClausonAsbury Theological Journal
Reason and the Reasons of Faith 154 BOOK REVIEWS remote history and its proximate history demonstrate, even if Thomism is not fully flourishing at present, it soon enough will be, once again. University ofNotre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana ALFRED J. FREDDOSO Reason and the... P Macdonald - 《...
“The law was a kind of tutor in charge of us until Christ should come, when we should be justified through faith; and now that faith has come, the tutor's charge is at an end.” That is to say, whereasJudaismrequired (and still requires) its followers to obey the law, Christianity...
His success, gave credit to his faith, Qiao Booth once had said: “Is living is in order to change the world, also has other reasons?”Therefore, Apple Company's a series of products, changed the modern communication, the entertainment and even the life way profoundly. ...
It has scary moments, a decent amount of profanity, and a lot of action violence but nothing unfamiliar to fans of superhero movies. Red One makes Santa and the ELF (you’ll get it if you see it) into superheroes and reminds us that we can’t judge a book by its cover or a ...
The mustard seed is known for its small size, yet it grows into a large plant. In Jewish culture, the mustard seed was a common metaphor for something small that has great potential. Jesus uses this imagery to illustrate that even a small amount of genuine faith can lead to extraordinary ...
If life seems at its lowest ebb, because a day’s gone wrong, Let not your heart be troubled, for a new day soon will dawn. And we can never be quite sure, just what it has in store, Since each one is so different, than the one just gone before. ...
In this promising and well written book, the author struggles with the question of how basic religious beliefs can be groundless without being irrational. He notes that the axiomatic beliefs--philosophical, scientific, or religious--which ground all areas of human knowledge, are groundless in the ...
“By adhering to [this heritage] the entire holy people, united to its pastors, remains always faithful to the teaching of the apostles, to the brotherhood, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. So, in maintaining, practising and professing the faith that has been handed on, there ...
Being a born again Christian is a term commonly used by Protestants to describe a significant moment or process of fully accepting faith in Jesus Christ. It is not about physical birth, but rather a spiritual renewal and transformation. The concept of being born again has its origins in a ...