Planning Our Progress and Joy in the Faith 42:55 Steve Viars • 1/10/10 600+ 使徒保羅與腓利比輩書 1:21-25 What is Your Plan for Growth in 2010? 42:11 Steve Viars • 1/3/10 700+ 使徒彼多羅之第二公書 3:18 这就是全部了! 广播员 Faith Church of Lafayette, IN 跟随...
Dawkins Come Out As A Cultural Christian.When his best selling non - fiction book 'The God Delusion' was causing multiple sensationalist responses in print and broadcast mediaalmost 20 years ago Richard Dawkins was for a time the star of the New Atheism movement. Now, his having spoken of ...
“We are a church that is rooted in our history, but present in this moment,” says Pastor Rev. Emmanuel Mulenga, O.M.I. That history is rich and groundbreaking. In 1842, a few months before the dedication of the church, people of color began buying pews for their families. The pamp...
LafayetteJonEBSCO_bspTelevision Week
Lord of Spiritsis brought to you by our listeners with help from the Theoria School of Filmmaking. Theoria School of Filmmaking is the first Orthodox film school. The primary instructor is Jonathan Jackson, a faithful Orthodox Christian speaker, writer, and five-time Emmy Award winner. To learn...
Singing the Praises of a Niche; Former Turner Exec Putting His Faith in Gospel Music Channel.(TV Currents)Lafayette, Jon