I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what to do with my blog. Growing for Christ began while I was an at home mom who was homeschooling. Now, I’m a full time social worker, full time Master’s student at Indiana Wesleyan University, and yes, homeschool mom. I’m thinking of t...
Christian Journey1 Christian Leadership2 Christian life12 Christian Living15 Christian love7 Christian Minimalism1 Christian Mission17 Christian Missions9 Christian Music11 Christian Nationalism25 Christian Piatt13 Christian Practices18 Christian Reconstructionism3 Christian schools2 Christian sex lives2 Christian ...
Christian Journey1 Christian Leadership2 Christian life12 Christian Living15 Christian love7 Christian Minimalism1 Christian Mission17 Christian Missions9 Christian Music11 Christian Nationalism25 Christian Piatt13 Christian Practices18 Christian Reconstructionism3 Christian schools2 Christian sex lives2 Christian ...
Christian Journey1 Christian Leadership2 Christian life12 Christian Living15 Christian love7 Christian Minimalism1 Christian Mission17 Christian Missions9 Christian Music11 Christian Nationalism26 Christian Piatt13 Christian Practices18 Christian Reconstructionism3 Christian schools2 Christian sex lives2 Christian ...
For the Christian, being mindful that we live in time means not running away from the truth that our lives are short, but rather letting it wash over us until we feel the full weight of discontentment that it brings. According to Kreeft, “Our desire for eternity, our divine discontent wi...
The thinking Christian woman knows that the Lord doesn’t always answer with a “Yes.” Healwaysanswers, but sometimes the answer is “No,” and sometimes “Not now.” This time, it was as if He was saying, “Take your pick my love, or take all of them! I came to give you abund...
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.Search in Google Scholar Heidegger, Martin. “The Onto-theo-logical Constitution of Metaphysics.” In Identity and Difference, translated by Joan Stambaugh, 42–74. New York: Harper & Row, 1969.Search in Google Scholar Heidegger, Martin. Discourse on ...
” According to theNational Cancer Institute, “women who had ever used oral contraceptives had a slight (7%) increase in therelative riskof breast cancer compared with women who had never used oral contraceptives.” In general, FaithIt publishes news stories that align with the Christian Right ...
This oddly dated Netflix effort crosses broadly Christian values with Disney-demographic pandering, with cheery but soulless results.
“CCD classes” but weren’t sure exactly what that was all about. The letters CCD stood for theConfraternity of Christian Doctrine. They were an organization within the Catholic Church whose job it was to establish curriculum for teaching the Catholic faith. They were based in Baltimore ...