Put differently, the percentage of persons in this age cohort in the Presbyterian Church is nearly double (+92%) what is found in the American population. Growing Older According to data provided by the Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of the General Assembly, the percent of the Read More ...
As a Christian historian, it delights me to see that an awareness that we live “in time” is crucial both to thinking Christianly and to thinking historically. As I’ve argued before on this blog, we err when we define “Christian history” by its focus, making it synonymous with the ...
达拉姆Faith Assembly Christian Center旅游图库,携程攻略社区! 汇集了达拉姆Faith Assembly Christian Center旅游驴友的精选上传旅游照片、景点照片、风景图片、图库、相册,记录达拉姆Faith Assembly Christian Center旅游行程中的名胜景点、风土人情等旅游景点照片。
Being raised in a Christian home doesn’t automatically make you a Christian, because Jesus said, You must be born again. …… The art of having fun, without being trivial or shallow. …… Christian, will you be found faithful? …… Christian, what role does God have in your decision m...
however. But if a Christian brother or sister wants to admonish your behavior in love, don’t necessarily close the door to it. They may be able to see more clearly what is happening to you than you might. It also may be a sign that your grief may have turned to indolence or sin....
They talk about their upcoming classes – and now they talk about how to worship via Zoom or Livestream. They talk about their history, their staff, their leaders – just to give folks as much of an idea of who they are what to expect. But I’ve yet to see a church website put ...
Sadly, pondering that conclusion will profoundly confuse many who live in the “new ecumenicism” of our modern culture, which defines “faith” as everything fromGod’s magic potiontoman’s deeper intuition,depending on whether one gets their theology from “christian” (small C intended) tele...
Martin Luther King, Jr. profoundly expressed this in his 1967 speech “Where do we go from here?” given to the Southern Christian Leadership Assembly Convention in Atlanta: “I’ve decided to stick with love, for love is the only answer to humankind’s problems…I’m talking about a stro...
Christianity, the Christianity that is the direct oppposite of that I have been describing tonight – and appeals all the time to the emotions in which people get carried away, and leads in the end to a very dangerous, in fact terrible, fanaticism – the very negation of the Christian ...
Here is the stream that sang so wonderfully. Finally, I usually do not write about politics here (although there are some exceptions). But I cannot write about Creation and the Christian faith-life without making a comment about the U.S. Presidential election. Christians voted in large ...