liturgical calendar6 Liturgical Colors1 Liturgical Order4 Liturgical Renewal3 Liturgical Theology2 Liturgical Vestments1 liturgical year7 Liturgy38 Lived Life3 Living by the Spirit1 Living for Jesus1 Living Stones2 Living Water9 Living With Darwin1 Liz Cooledge Jenkins1 Liz Mair1 Liz Theoharis1 Liza...
A reflection on the true significance of this moment on the Christian liturgical calendar is sometimes left as an afterthought to what is given top billing on the calendar of capitalism. But we must wait, and wait longer than a few days, to acclimate ourselves to the coming of Jesus. When...
events, holidays and ordinary moments. I would catch myself saying, “Mom should be here.” In survival mode you look at the calendar and note how much time has passed. In this early stage of grief you remember where you were in the days leading...
He is the author or editor of more than twenty books, including Second Thoughts about the Second Coming: Understanding the End Times, Our Future, and Christian Hope, with Ronald J. Allen (Westminster John Knox Press, 2023), Visit profile ...