allowing us to hear a number of Advent and Easter songs – including the beautiful ‘Lully, Lulla, Lullay’, arranged by Philip Stopford, with its ringing descant, before a new setting by Kenneth Downie of ‘The Old Rugged Cross’ and the Hillsong track ‘My Redeemer Lives’, arranged by...
Even at the age of five, singer, songwriter, Miriam Webster, could sense the joy that came from the praise, worship and dancing. Born in Gilgandra, near Sydney, Australia, Miriam served as one of Hillsong Church’s main worship leaders and is featured on numerous Hillsong Music praise-and...
That night we had the Spring at church. It’s our once-a-month instrumental worship service. My heart was overflowing with the truth God had placed before me that day. The songs that night bathed me again in His truth: My heart will sing ...
Hillsong Church Holding Christmas Show At The Mayan Theater In Los Angeles Whose Walls Are Adorned With Depictions Of Child Sacrifice To Molech Hillsong Church Is A Snake Pit Of Open Demonic Activity As It’s Revealed Their NY Pastor Carl Lentz And Staffers Ran It...
Probably not, but if it is getting people to take an interest in church then perhaps there is something to it. There were 50,000 people whoattendedhis event at Coachella, which is about half the weekly global attendance for Hillsong services. That’s pretty impressive. ...