CityReach Ministries: A Miami nonprofit providing food distribution, community support, and faith-based charity services in South Miami, FL.
Volunteers may then feel inspired to leverage their personal resources to address community perceptions of homelessness, or to advocate for systematic changes. Originality/value - This paper suggests recasting the goals of homeless campaigns to include the development of social bridges between the housed...
thisexecutiveorderandothers,PresidentBush seekstocreatea“levelplayingfield”—thatis,anequaland fairopportunity—forfaith-basedandcommunity organizationstocompeteforfederalresourcestosupport programtheyhavedevelopedinresponsetocommunity needs. WhattheFaith-BasedInitiative,asenvisionedby PresidentBush,woulddo Thetext...
traditional ecological knowledge, a reverence for specific places and ecosystems, and other faith-based values reveal commonly held ethics with positive therapeutic implications. Indigenous knowledge, traditional practices, and other faith-based habits and practices are associated with optimal mental health ...
AppendixA………OnlineResourcesforFaith-Basedand CommunityOrganizations AppendixB………Faith-BasedandCommunityInitiatives– ExecutiveOrdersandTimelines. AppendixC………MoreQuestions&Answers ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TheworkoftheRegionVIFaithBasedCouncilissolelytheresultsofcooperativesandcollaborativeeffortsbyallparticipatingfederalagen...
Future of faith-giving is bright Almost all places of worship plan to maintain or increase community outreach. Similarly, only 2% of faith-based givers intend to give less money to causes and organizations this year. Key Trend #5 Excitement around emerging technologies Seventy-eight percent of...
Non-profits and churches are both recipients of social capital resources available in the community, and generators of community and social capital. Both types of places often serve as venues where community is practiced, social capital is created, and cultural capital is transmitted’. Indeed, it...
“Except for the certifiably insane, most Web-based religious advocates take a restrained, even intellectual approach to spiritual experience. They bring together spirituality with intense rationality and cognitive discipline, qualities not always associated with faith.” ...
Convio offers a comprehensive suite of software and services that enable faith-based groups like yours to build a more effective ministry, increase the scope of your outreach, nurture and cultivate member relationships to help drive ongoing support, and decrease communication costs while improving ...
Your donations provide immediate assistance for our Ukrainian sisters and brothers affected by the crisis. To donate, click the button below.Donations for Ukraine Blessed are the Peacemakers As part of a Lenten Series on Gospel-based Nonviolence, endorsed by The Young Adult Outreach Office of the...