I am from the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The name of my home town is Ramnad. Only for less than 2 years I was under the influence of WoF . When it was first introduced in India many Christians including me were attracted to it. I thought WoF was an “advanced level” of re...
TRU’s from spent and reprocessed fuel is piling up in less than ideal locations. There is now more than a quarter million metric tons of highlyradioactive wasteinstoragenear nuclear power plants and weapons production facilities.Thorium based nuclear power would go a long way to alleviate this ...
We are transitioning back into homeschool for 2023 with 3 out of 4 of our children from being in our church’s private school. This decision is truly out of obedience to the Lord based on words we believe He has given us about the education for our children. One of those words is tha...
cultural, and spiritual choices that stand before us now in the approaching electoral decision between a continuation of the Biden-Harris administrative state, on the one hand, and a brave recovery of the basic principles of the Anglo-American Conservative Tradition...
Develop Thorium based Nuclear Power. Russia, China, Australia and India are ahead of us in this. Streamline permit processes. Prioritize research. This should be our priority, for when the next ice age starts we will need all the CO2 possible. ...
It took me longer to find an answer because all I could see was my life in pieces. As I was readingDiagnosis Dystonia, by Tom Seaman, I came across a chapter where he talked about the Spasmodic Torticollis Recovery Clinic in New Mexico. This program helped him to recover, as well as ...
Let me introduce myself. My name is Phil Monroe and I am a Clinical Psychologist. From 2000 to 2017 I was the Director of the MA Counseling and related programs in the Graduate School of Counseling at Missio Seminary. One of my projects was to create the Global Trauma Recovery Institute,...
but then they have new devices like the recovery mode device, which utilizes pulsing technology to give the cells an extra boost of recovery from, say, a tough workout with really rejuvenating dose of near-infrared light. So, if you have not really experienced for yourself how powerful red ...
Paulette Demato, program coordinator for the New York-based Coma Recovery Association, said that a flu medication called amantadine has had a few successes. One woman in New Mexico was given amantadine as a routine flu treatment and awoke from a 16-year-long coma, Demato said (see sidebar)...
While North Dakota is the second largest oil producing state in the nation it produces very little natural gas, only what comes as a bi-product of oil recovery, in fact it is so little that the government has let the oil companies flare off the gas rather than recover it and us it for...