Overcome addiction and live a life of purpose with our faith-based alcohol and drug rehab. Contact our Haven House Recovery Center today.
Many faith-based drug rehab programs use modern, evidence based addiction treatment protocols, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT.
outlines three necessary steps to successfully combat and treat substance abuse in the long run: clinical care, social intervention, and social support. She highlights the strength of faith-based communities and organizations, especially in regard to social intervention and...
But because her relapse of just the transverse myelitis was recognized early, doctors were able to treat her and prevent lasting paralysis. But her recovery was “grueling”, learning to sit up and take steps again with daily rehab. She said ” I needed to prove to myself that I was goin...
My accident weighed almost as heavily on my husband as it did on me, but he was very supportive all the way through my hospital stay and rehab. However, I relied heavily on my faith and God helping me, and I had a really good support system. Now if I said I didn’t have any tou...
(In and Out) of which the heart finds both rebirth and brokenness respectively;TheFalls of Injurythat bring pain, suffering, numerous doctor visits, surgery & rehab, healing and scars;TheFallsof a Toddlerwho is transitioning from the crawling stages of babyhood while learning how to ambulate ...
Rehab efforts were considered futile at that point and, like many patients, the choice was between removing the feeding tube or sending Chris to a nursing home after a couple of months. What a choice! Death or ‘warehousing’. Why are there so few long-term rehab facilities for such ...
City council passed the Albina Community Plan in 1993, with plans to build and rehab thousands of homes, helping "current and future residents." Seven years later, the city created the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area and set the stage for the arrival of a new MAX line. Investment foll...