【欧美系娃娃屋介绍】..这次介绍一款我很喜欢的系列-Fairy Winkles(以下翻译成小精灵)文章还是来自这个网站,以下知识翻译http://www.ghostofthedoll.co.uk/fairywinkles.h
The following are links about Fairy Winkles you may find interesting. Also check out the other pages. Ghost Of The Doll - (report)Ghost Of The Doll is an ID website dedicated to toys of the 1980's and 1990's (plus a few 2000's thrown in for good measure)! Submit a link to more...
1.an old, or children's, story of fairies, magicetc.a book of fairy-stories.cuento de hadas 2.an untrue statement; a lie.I don't want to hear any fairy-stories!cuento,patraña ˈfairy-talenoun a fairy-story.to tell fairy-tales;(also adjective) the fairy-tale appearance of the ...
1.an old, or children's, story of fairies, magicetc.a book of fairy-stories.cuento de hadas 2.an untrue statement; a lie.I don't want to hear any fairy-stories!cuento,patraña ˈfairy-talenoun a fairy-story.to tell fairy-tales;(also adjective) the fairy-tale appearance of the ...
Tiggy-Winkle,1905)也是比阿特丽克斯·波特的作品,彼得兔等角色在其中客串出场;《柳林风声》是英国作家肯尼思·格雷厄姆 (Kenneth Grahame,1859-1932)于1908年出版的儿童小说,主要角色都是动物】 [36] 比如:《身体里没有心脏的巨人》收于达森特(Dasent)的《挪威的流行故事》(Popular Tales from the Norse);《海女...
Drew's Famous 50 Bestest Fairy TalesThe Hit Crew 儿童音乐 · 2004年 试听 1 Pinnochio 试听 6:21 2 Hansel & Gretel 试听 6:10 3 Cinderella 试听 4:58 4 Rumplestiltskin 试听 5:54 5 Rip Van Winkle 试听 4:42 6 The Elves & the Shoemaker 试听 4:02 7 ...
汤姆·阿诺德饰: Rip Van Winkle,1 episode, 2000, 杰斯米·盖饰: Frog Princess Lylah,2 episodes, 1995-2000, / ... 博·布里奇斯饰: King Big Daddy,1 episode, 2000, 罗伯特·吉尔劳姆饰: Narrator,39 episodes, 1995-2000, 赵牡丹饰: Hul Muh Ni,2 episodes, 1995-1997, / ... 安娜·阿丽西亚...
Rip Van Winkle 试听 4:44 6 The Elves and the Shoemaker 试听 4:06 7 The Goose With the Golden Eggs 试听 0:53 8 Androcles and the Lion 试听 2:35 9 The Emperor's New Clothes 试听 5:56 10 The Ruby Prince 试听 5:27 11 The Frog's Desiring a King 试听...
汤姆·阿诺德饰: Rip Van Winkle,1 episode, 2000, 杰斯米·盖饰: Frog Princess Lylah,2 episodes, 1995-2000, / ... 博·布里奇斯饰: King Big Daddy,1 episode, 2000, 罗伯特·吉尔劳姆饰: Narrator,39 episodes, 1995-2000, 赵牡丹饰: Hul Muh Ni,2 episodes, 1995-1997, / ... 安娜·阿丽西亚...
Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Encyclopedia Fair´y`like` a.1.Resembling a fairy, or what is made or done be fairies; as,fairylikemusic. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add...