Fairy Tail (フェアリーテイル Fearī Teiru) is an anime series based on the manga of same name by Hiro Mashima. Produced by A-1 Pictures Inc, Satelight, Bridge, and CloverWorks, it is directed by Shinji Ishihira, and debuted on TV Tokyo at 7:30, October 12, 2009.[1] It follows...
Media TypeAnime TitleFairy Tail English TitleFairy Tail Aliases Romaji TitleFeirii Teiru Furigana Titleフェアリー・テイル Japanese TitleFAIRY TAIL Japanese Studio Nameサテライト English Studio NameSatelight Companies Involved (Add) Content RatingT - Teen ...
Of the 143212 characters on Anime Characters Database, 7 are from the 动画 Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest.
Anime Only Episodes OVAs Anime Omakes Video Games Fairy Tail Portable Guild Fairy Tail Gekitou! Madoushi Kessen Fairy Tail Zeref Awakens Fairy Tail Brave Guild Fairy Tail Brave Saga Fairy Tail Goku • Mahō Ranbu Fairy Tail Hero's Journey Fairy Tail DiceMagic Fairy Tail (...
Page name Fairy Tail - Rella (anime)+ Page type Card page+ Primary type Effect Monster+ Romaji name Fearīteiru - Shinderera+ Ruby Japanese name 妖精伝姫-シンデレラ+ Stars 4+ Stars string 4+ Support Equip Spell Card+ Translated name ...
The 'Water Dragon God arc' of Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest will begin airing July 2024!Featured Media Twitter Anime Twitter Twitter Did You Know...that Laxus was completely aware that Mystogan was the Jellal from Edolas? ...that Invel's name is actually recycled from the list of...
原作漫画(真島ヒロ著)が累計6000万部を超え、世界中で愛さている大人気魔法バトルファンタジー「FAIRY TAIL」のTVアニメ公式サイト。監督:石平信司、アニメーション制作:A-1 Pictures/ブリッジが贈るTVアニメシリーズが、いよいよ最終章へ突入!
Fairy Tail (TV Series) Details Full Cast and Crew Release Dates Official Sites Company Credits Filming & Production Technical Specs Explore More Create a list » User Lists Related lists from IMDb users Anime a list of 32 titles created 6 months ago Best a list of 38 titles ...
Hype is one word that can describe how this Anime hit not only all of Japan but the world as well. Fairy Tail (フェアリーテイル) has now become a household name to hundreds and thousands of fans from all over the globe. What makes this Anime special? Some say it’s because of th...
4.88 17 beoordelingen €13,19€39,99Bespaar 67%Actie eindigt op 22-11-2024 11:59 PM UTC Offline spelen ondersteund 1 speler PS4-versie DUALSHOCK 4-trilling Sexual Content, Geweld, Extreem taalgebruik Beoordelingen FAIRY TAIL: Anime Final Season Costume Set for 16 Playable Characters ...