彩灯mod增加了一大堆灯泡和灯笼让你挂在你的建筑内。十分适合节日装扮或者用作光源。它们跟现实中的彩灯类似,并不会提供太多的亮光。不管怎么说,它是一款不错的节日装扮mod,增加节日气氛! 灯泡有多种风格从传统的灯泡,花,雪花,或万圣节为主题的灯泡。 当你把任何一个灯泡添加到2个铁锭和一根丝线上,你会得到足以...
Here are some example pennant bunting recipes. Fairy Lights Usage Right click the hanging lights, garland, or bunting on the side of a block, or an existing fastener to place a fastener, now there will be a connection from the fastener to you. From then you right click on another side ...
"commands.jingler.device.description": "描述:%1$s", "tutorial.fairylights.craft_hanging_lights.title": "合成挂灯", "tutorial.fairylights.craft_hanging_lights.description": "查阅配方书以获得帮助" } 0 comments on commit e7b4a54 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
The Fairy Lights mod adds a bevy of craftable lightbulbs and lanterns to hang around your abode. It’s perfect for party settings or simply adding a new light source to your world. They don’t give off much light but most string lights won’t do much in real life either. No matter wh...
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