Dancing Fairy is a character version of the card "Dancing Fairy". In episode 147, one of the three fairies is among the group of Duel Monster Spirits that plead with Yami and Yugi to free Timaeus and defeat Dartz. In episode 34, one of three fairies pict
When I was in fifth grade I was already well acquainted with Americanized anime likeDragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Yugioh, Beyblade, andCardcaptors. I accidentally stayed up late one night and caught the ending ten minutes ofInuYashaon Adult Swim. Instantly, I was captured. It was the first ani...
(2) If you control a LIGHT Beast monster or a Level 7 or 8 Dragon Synchro Monster: You can draw 1 card. (3) Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: You can send this card from the Field Zone to the GY; place 1 Field Spell from your hand or Deck face-up in your Field Zone...
俞Gi 哦! 决斗一代(Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation) / 杂项(Miscellaneous) / 怪物的声音和卡 SFX(Monster Sounds and Card SFX) / 听起来游戏王(sounds yugioh) 112首 sfx 老板蓝眼睛白龙(sfx_boss_blue_eyes_white_dragon) 俞Gi 哦! 决斗一代(Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation) / 杂项(Miscellaneous) /...
TCG Traditional Format Status Unlimited+ Thai name แอนเชี่ยนท์ แฟรี่่ ดราก้อน+ Turkish name Antik Peri Ejderi+ Type Dragon+ Type3 Effect+ Vietnamese name Cổ Tiên Long+...