06 寓言 fable[ˈfeɪbl] 07 天堂 heaven[ˈhɛvn] 08 神圣的 holy[ˈhəʊli] 09 仙境 fairyland[ˈfɛrilænd] 10 地狱 hell[hɛl] 11 邪恶的 evil[ˈiːvl] 12 神 god[ɡɑːd] 13 女...
Ne Dragon Uploaded by PortgarAce Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Translation Ukrainian Tag this mod About this mod Перекладмоду Flutter and Whimsy (Fairy Race) українськоюмовою. Share Requirements ...
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DragonZmeuThe ethnography, the history of religions, the psychology of the collective unconscious and other studies on the archaic imaginary have underlined the universality of the theriomorph symbols that display in totemism, in the various religious beliefs and in the peo...
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"dragon-age-franchise-discussion-pt-link":"Dragon Age","the-sims-game-info-hub-pt-link":"Os Sims Centro de Informação sobre jogos","Common-star-wars-battlefront-2-en-link":"STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II","the-sims-2-fr-link":"Les Sims 2","ea-play-ru-link":"...
I love how many types of supernatural Sims we have but, there's a supernatural Sims type we are missing to complete the list in a way We have Vampires Werewolves Aliens Spellcasters Mermaids But we're missing something in folklore,