题主说的没错,以fairness和privacy为首的ethical machine learning最近的确很火,各种项目和各种会议中都...
machinelearninglimitationsopportunitiesbarocas公平性 FairnessandMachineLearningLimitationsandOpportunitiesSolonBarocas,MoritzHardt,ArvindNarayananDONOTSHAREIncompleteworkingdraftCreated:TueSep1010:15:21PDT2019Latestpublicversionavailableathttps://fairmlbookContentsAboutthebook5Whynow?5Howdidthebookcomeabout?6Whoisthisboo...
machine learning securitymachine learning fairnessmodel testingmodel debuggingIn recent years, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in many fields, such as computer vision, natural language processing and autonomous driving. Machine learning algorithms, as the core technique of AI, have ...
28,29, potentially leading to deterioration and causing lifelong harm to the patients. Clinicians may face difficulties in placing trust and confidently integrating deep learning methods into their routine practices. Recently, several studies in medical areas have urged...
M. Hardt, E. Price, and N. and Srebro, “Equality of Opportunity in Supervised Learning,” in...
"A Maximal Correlation Framework for Fair Machine Learning." Entropy 24.4 (2022): 461. ^Breiman, L.; and Friedman, J. H. 1985. Estimating Optimal Transformations for Multiple Regression and Correlation. Journal of the American statistical Association 80(391): 580–598...
“Fairness and Machine Learning: Limitations and Opportunities”. 2019. For maximal versatility, all supported metrics are offered under two formats: #. A scikit-learn-like Scorer object which can be initialized and reused to test different models or datasets. #. A functional interface which can ...
Folders and files Latest commit History2 Commits .gitattributes Broward_Data.zip Compas_NN.py Compas_Naive_Bayes.py Compas_SVM.py Machine_Learning_Fairness_Primer.pdf Postprocessing.py Preprocessing.py Report_Results.py assignment3_corporation.pdf compas-scores-two-years.csv utils(1...
In recent years, the problem of addressing fairness in machine learning (ML) and automatic decision making has attracted a lot of attention in the scientific communities dealing with artificial intelligence. A plethora of different definitions of fairnes
Machine learning based systems are reaching society at large and in many aspects of everyday life. This phenomenon has been accompanied by concerns about the ethical issues that may arise from the adoption of these technologies. ML fairness is a recently established area of machine learning that ...