Fairmont Anaheim Hills is part of the Fairmont Schools group, Orange County’s oldest and largest secular, co-educational preschool-12th grade private school. Fairmont Anaheim Hills is a vibrant community, serving students from preschool – 8th grade. Located in North Orange County, the Anaheim Hil...
Fairmont Schools is Orange County’s oldest and largest secular, co-educational preschool-12th grade private school. Explore Our Campuses Register today for ourWinter Wonderland Camp, January 6th-10th, where JK-5th graders will enjoy art, science, sports, cooking, games, and thrilling field trips...
Fairmont Private Schools(费尔蒙特私立学校)是南加最大的非教会私立学校,学校成立于1953年,获得美国WASC认证,并且连续多年被评为橙县最佳学校,以优质的教学质量和高大学升学率著称,年级分布从幼儿园到12年级。在橙县有五个分校。学校为国际生提供预科语言项目,并帮助安排寄宿家庭。 1953年,由于前公立学校的老师肯尼斯·...
學校資訊 創校時間:1953 學校類型:私立寄宿高中 所在城市 / 州:Los Angeles (Orange County), CA (California) 學校地址:2200 W Sequoia Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801 學生總人數:433 人 師生比: 11:1 國際生比例:14% 預估學費:USD $ / year 學校官網:https://www.fairmontschools.com/ ...