Fairfield Youth Baseball Association Fairfield, OHIO 45014 69th Anniversary 1956-2025 Emphasis is placed on learning the fundamentals of baseball and helping players and teams realize their potential through the values of hard work, commitment, teamwork and sportsmanship, in hopes that these qualities ...
–Clay Cole Memorial Golf Scholarship, in amount of $500, was presented to Dalton William McQuinn. –Two Freestone County Youth Sports Association Scholarships, in amount of $250 each, were presented to Braiden Kade Barrett, and Damonte Lavar Willis. –The Sunny Foundation Scholarship, in amoun...
–Cypress Creek Renewables Energizing Tomorrow’s Leaders: $1,000 Each – Evan Chavers, Tracy Johnson, Kennedy Lane, and Avery Thaler –Dogan Alumni Association: $1,500 – Charlee Brackens –Cotton Gin Masonic Lodge #154 of Kirvin: $500 – River Bonds –Dallas Scottish Right...
–Teague Ex-Students Homecoming week. Bonfire, Scholarship Golf Tournament, Pep Rally, Crowning of the Homecoming Royals, football game, Friday Nigh Social, Homecoming Parade, Banquet and Mix-n-Mingle on Main Street. For more information about dues, banquet tickets and this year’s event, call...