Providing security and safety to the Citizens and first responders were the purpose of many items voted by the City of Fairfield during the monthly meeting held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Council members voted to approve the hiring of new Fairfield Police Officer Joseph Silas (at left). Office...
Council Meeting The Council shall convene its regular meeting for the transaction of official business on the second and fourth Mondays of... View All Events Contact Us 250 N. Walnut Street Winnsboro, South Carolina 29180 View Department Directory ...
At tonight’s Fairfield City Council meeting, all mayoral appointments were approved with one exception.The nomination of Brent Maguire for Chief of Police died for lack of a motion by the… May 24, 2022 Mayor’s Report 5/10/22 Tonight’s Mayor’s Report: Our inspections of the Maple Hill...
Additional information can be found at: where you have full access to past City Council Meeting documents. The opinion of the HOA Board is that these potential development projects could lead to unforeseen negative impacts on property values, ...
“I hope I can be of help to the citizens and the city,” said Oglesbee. She will take her place as a voting member of the council at its next meeting. Fairfield City Council holds regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. ...
WhitakerG. Warren
The Craft Yarn Council is back with their second annual Lemon Drop in New York City and we are proud to be a supporting Sponsor. We would love for you to get involved too. Read below on how you can participate if you knit or crochet or even if you want to learn to knit or crochet...
–Tuesday, August 3– Special Council Meeting to Submit and Set Proposed Tax Rate (Notices Posted After); 5 p.m., Fairfield ISD CTE –August 3-6– COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOPS; 5 p.m., Fairfield ISD CTE -Tues, August 3 – Revenue, Capital Improvements ...
A council workshop is designed for Council Members and City Administration to get together to discuss City matters, but no action can be taken during this type of meeting. During this particular workshop, topics discussed included code enforcement as well as future capital improvements and financing...
“We feel you’ve got a gun to our heads and are saying ‘I want to be friends’,” said City of Fairfield attorney, David Tuckfield, during a joint council meeting between the Cities of Fairfield and Teague. On Thursday evening, October 18, 2018, the two cities met at the Tri-County...