French Verb Conjugations Faireis one of the most common French verbs – here’s how to conjugate it into every tense and mood. PresentImperfectFutureConditionalSubjunctiveImperfect subj. jefaisfaisaisferaiferaisfassefisse tufaisfaisaisferasferaisfassesfisses ...
The word for make or do in French is the French verb FAIRE. The best way to learn ALL the conjugations is with out colour-coded verb table. This way you can even learn the so-called 'hard' tenses too.
(Verb) Conjugation of refaire (see also Appendix:French verbs) simple compound infinitive refaire avoir refait gerund en refaisant en ayant refait present participle refaisant past participle refait person singular plural first second third first second third indicative je (j’) tu il ...