然而notice这点合同上自己也是签字的,有点像是casual这种合同的负累,因为casual离职不用notice啊!这点我也咨询了Fairwork,对方表示如果签了合同就尽量按照合同,BUT:“雇主现在借病假为难你,又欠薪,这种情况你可以不用遵守合同上的两周notice~” OHYE!有Fairwork这话,基本心定~ ⭐️经验: 1. 在澳洲/新西兰,...
根据Australian Fair Work规定,任何超过合理试工时间的工作时长都应该按照澳大利亚法律支付工资及相应的劳资待遇。如果雇主需要更多时间继续评估该员工是否适合工作,雇主可以雇佣该员工为Casual员工,又或者提供带薪试用期并支付试用期的所有相应薪资待遇。 这里我们还可以参考一个Australian Fair Work官网上面的例子: 上面的案例...
⑤调解(可免费请翻译):最多进行两次调解,若调解成功,则由Fair Work调解员拟定调解协议,双方按协议内容执行;若调解不成功,则雇员可选择上法庭申诉。 三、获胜秘诀 Fair Work网站上也有很多文字视频资料教你如何保护自身权益,现有的攻略也主要讲投诉的流程,而投诉流程最重要的地方还是在调解(mediation)这一步,调解的结...
A.首先Fair Work强调雇员遇到问题先找雇主自行协商解决,他们也有一系列的网上教程教你如何和雇主商量解决矛盾,比如如何发邮件协商、如何与雇主谈判等等。 B.如果实在自己解决不了需要Fair Work帮助的时候,可以选择以下几种方式和Fair Work工作人员取得联系: 咨询方式: ▪在线咨询(最推荐,快速方便)。要在网站上注册账...
Fair Work Commission Rules That Redundancy Payments Must Take into Account Prior Casual Employment in Certain CircumstancesSalter, Adam
Job Satisfaction and Motivation to Work among Female Part-time Workers Presently, different types of employment are increasing, especially the number of female pert-timer workers has increased dramatically. This study attempted to explore which factors will contribute to satisfaction and motivation to wo...
Overtime pay: The act requires that employees who work more than 40 hours in a workweek receive at least one and a half times the worker’s regular pay rate. Record keeping: Employers must maintain accurate records of hours worked and wages paid. This is meant to ensure transparency and en...
中文版可在.fairwork.gov.au/chinese下载。(每一名新雇员在开始工作时必须收到这份文件。) • 各项公司政策文件,包括行为守则、制服要求或社交媒体使用规定等。 • 任何需要填写完成的表格,例如税务档案号码声明表(tax file declaration)和养老金选择表(superannuation choice)。了解详情可浏览.ato.gov.au/busines...
Long before the term “decent work” became widely recognised, V.V. Giri, B.R. Ambedkar and others emphasised its importance. Work that
The long-anticipated Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2021 passed through federal parliament.