If someone is fair or has fair hair, they have light coloured hair. My daughter has three children, and they're all fair. A fair is an event held in a park or field for people's amusement. We took the children to the fair. 2. 'fare' Your fare is the money you pay for a jour...
A fair is an event held in a park or field for people's amusement. We took the children to the fair. 2. 'fare' Your fare is the money you pay for a journey by bus, taxi, train, boat, or plane. Coach fares are cheaper than rail fares. Airline officials say they must raise fare...
Play Fair and Pay the Fare; Metro Boss Spells out Warning over Taking Free RidesByline: By PETER YOUNG Political ReporterEvening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
Phenylarsine Oxide (PAO) More Intensely Induces Apoptosis in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia and As2O3-Resistant APL Cell Lines than As2O3by Activating the Mi... Fed up with all the big-buck show cars, over-engineered money pits and one-upmanship plaguing the current VW scene? Then take a ...
these shows and events at theSioux Empire Fair, fair officials have been selling fair passes early. Pit Passes for concert-goers will also be available to purchase. For any Sioux Empire resident planning to buy these tickets,Sioux Empire Fairofficials are warning fairgoers about new ticket ...
Some of the food booths will also be cooking up fair fare today to help feed the workers and exhibitors alike who will be buzzing around the halls. So if you're exhibiting, what exactly makes a blue-ribbon entry? Watch this interview with a fair judge and find out... ...
This article reports on a warning issued by the British Office of Fair Trading (OFT) to holiday and travel suppliers who include hidden extra fees in their headline pricing. The warning states that the OFT is aware that certain non-optional costs are frequently excluded from basic advertised hol...
Group arrangements or those involving a baby are not eligible for the student airfare discount. Check that you correctly filled out the promo code field to take advantage of the offer. Upon checkout, the full fare will be deducted from the promo code’s addition. ...
《名利场》(Vanity Fair)是十九世纪英国批判现实主义作家威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷的成名之作。作者以圆熟泼辣的手笔,淋漓尽致地描绘了一幅十九世纪英国贵族资产阶级上层骄奢淫逸、勾心斗角的生活图景,无情地揭露了封建贵族荒淫无耻、腐朽堕落的本质和资...
“Here’s his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a 51 time.”All heads turned to the woman. “It’s only money,” she shrugged(耸肩). She rode the rest of the way home 52 a happy smile, with the money she’d lost earlier 53 .On the road of life, the help of strangers can...