Fair value is a market-based measure, not an entity-specific one. Therefore, valuation techniques used to measure fair value ise the use of relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs. To rease consistency and compatibility in fair value measurements and related ...
forguidanceonmeasuringfairvaluein IFRSsandforincreasedconvergencewiththeUSGAAP.Withthatobjectivein mindtheIASBhasthenpublishedthefollowingDiscussionPaperconsistingoftwo parts:FairValueMeasurements–Part1:InvitationtoComment(DP2006b);and FairValueMeasurements–Part2:SFAS157FairValueMeasurements(DP 2006c).Thisisa...
fair value for financial reporting It does not require fair value measurements in addition to those already required or permitted by other IFRSs and is not intended to establish valuation standards or affect valuation practices outside financial reporting Reasons for issuing the IFRS IN5 Some IFRSs...
Any of these matters may require companies to reevaluate the judgments, inputs and critical assumptions underpinning their fair value measurements. Investors and regulators have been raising concerns about the clarity of financial reporting, including about measurement uncertainties. In times like this, ...
AASBStandard AASB13 September2011 FairValueMeasurement AASB132COPYRIGHT ObtainingaCopyofthisAccountingStandard ThisStandardisavailableontheAASBwebsite:.aasb.gov.au. Alternatively,printedcopiesofthisStandardareavailableforpurchaseby contacting: TheCustomerServiceOfficer AustralianAccountingStandardsBoard Level7 600Bourke...
Fair value measurements are based not on entry prices, but rather on exit prices鈥攖he price that would be received to sell the asset or paid to transfer the liability. While entry and exit prices differ conceptually, in many cases they may be identical and can be considered to represent ...
Paper contributes to the body of literature dealing with financial reporting disclosure practices: there is studied the issue of disclosures on fair value measurements in the financial statements. The employed research design imposes the construction of a guide of best practices that is further used ...
2. A Standard setter's framework for selecting between fair value and historical cost measurement attributes: a basis for discussion of 'Does fair value accounting for nonfinancial assets pass the market test?' [J] . Thomas J. Linsmeier Review of accounting studies . 2013,第3期 机译:在公...
These inputs also form the basis of the fair value hierarchy, which is used to categorize a fair value measurement (in its entirety) into one of three levels. This categorization is relevant for disclosure purposes. The disclosures about fair value measurements are extensive, with more ...