If you’re a price action trader, you might be familiar with a concept that has been making the rounds lately called the Fair Value Gap. In this article, we’re going to talk through the basics of what a Fair Value Gap is, show some examples of how to think about using it in your...
the url.*/ element[attr*="value"] { property: value; } /* element with "value" anywhere in the url without case sensitivity.*/ element[attr*="value" i] { property: value; } /* element end with .value; mainly for link(a) tag.*/ element[attr$=".value"] { property: value; }...
If the two “core factors” weighed in favor of the same classification, it likely was the correct classification, and the Department deemed it “highly unlikely” the three non-core factors could outweigh the combined probative value of the other two. By elevating the two “core factors” ...
The data of an inpidual there gains its value only when it is compared with the data of countless milpons more. The use of privacy law to curb the tech giants in this instance feels spghtly maladapted. This practice does not address the real worry. It is not enough to say that the ...
Striving to instill equity in assessment and integrity invites the risk of perceived unfairness. Resources or flexible assessments offered to one student but not another could be viewed as favoritism or unfairness. College students place high value on fair treatment in the classroom; it is one of ...
While the ED notes a number of areas where the proposed definition would not be appropriate, we believe that sufficient justification has not been made for a number of other areas in IFRS which currently require fair value measurement which is not based on an exit price. Examples of where the...
A Digital Object (DO) "is a sequence of bits, incorporating a work or portion of a work or other information in which a party has rights or interests, or in which there is value". DOs should have persistent identifiers, meta-data and be readable by both humans and machines. A FAIR Di...
year of life—while numerically small, the resultant discrepancy may be large over a clinically relevant age difference. This can be calculated as\({e}^{s.\Delta a},\)wheresis the separation coefficient and ∆a is the age difference. A separation value of 0.01 will thus correspond to a...
The utility of a PGS ultimately depends on its predictive ability and the clinical scenario in which it is applied [59]. Here we highlight examples of clinical scenarios where a PGS has been proposed to have the potential for utility. ...
Error z-value p-valueb Condition (CIc) 0.23 0.1 2.27 .023 * Condition (AS) 0.35 0.1 3.63 <.001 *** Bias (neutral) 3.1 0.18 17.3 <.001 *** Bias (feminine) 6.42 0.21 30.23 <.001 *** Formula: rating.scale ∼ condition* bias + (1 | subject) + (1| item), threshold = ...