While copyright law prevents anyone from using your work as their own, there is one exception – fair use copyright. Whether you’re looking to borrow from someone else’s material or you’re concerned that other people may be using yours, it’s important that you know just what is fair ...
美国版权法有个词叫Fair Use,不以商业盈利为目的(包括批评、评论、新闻报道、教学、研究等)的情况下可以使用图片而不算侵权。http://t.cn/A6875bDA //@-_沈王爷_-://@宁思潇潇:这就是我要说的。我朋友圈刷屏...
including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In ...
fair use 英[fɛə ju:z] 美[fɛr juz][释义] 正当使用; (一项法律规定,允许人们在不影响作者利益的情况下有限地引用他人的作品)[网络] 合理使用; 公平使用;[例句]Digitising books to make them searchable, relying partly on a “ fair use ” defence to ...
The article explores the theory of the applicable standards on the system of the fair use of copyright from the view of history. 从历史的角度探讨了著作权合理使用制度“合理性”标准的理论分野,即对各国有关著作权合理使用制度“合理性”标准的学术以及司法判例进行研究,并从法律规范、法律价值、法律体系...
Few photocopies of the Fair Use Checklist should be made and should be used as a worksheet. Furthermore, There is no definite boundary between fair use and infringement because no general rule defining infringement.WilsonLeeCommunication Arts
This section of BitLaw describes the fair use defense to a claim of copyright infringement, as well as a brief discussion of compulsory copyright licenses.
对版权专有权的限制,存在一种限制力度更大的制度,既不需要经过著作权人的许可,也不需要向著作权人支付报酬。该限制即为合理使用(Fair Use)。那是不是侵权被发现时都可以说自己是合理使用而进行抗辩呢?原则上是不行的,因为满足合理使用的前提条件非常苛刻。
但你有了版权不代表你就可以名正言顺的在所有场合限制他人使用你的作品。合理使用(Fair Use)规定了一些情况下,他人可以自由使用你的作品,无需你的授权。 Fair Use (in US copyright law): the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purpose...
合理使用(英语:Fair use),是著作权法的一个概念,允许人们于某些情况下,无需征求著作权所有者的同意,就可以使用受 著作权保护 的部分内容。“合理使用”这个概念在中美等许多国家的著作权法中都存在。合理使用试图在著作权所有人的利益和公众利益之间取得平衡,在兼顾原创者利益的同时又鼓励新的创造。