The Republic of Tea, an all-natural tea company based in Novato, California, has been selling eco-conscious teas since 1992. But its line of Fair Trade-Certified Teas ($9.50 per box of 50 bags) is more than just environmentally friendly--the tea...
网络释义 1. 公平贸易茶叶资格 ...对应有唯一的SKU号),而且计划在2006年底购买公平贸易茶叶资格(Fair Trade Tea),目前全美仅有两家企业取得了该资 …|基于 1 个网页 2. 公平贸易茶叶 ... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1公平贸易茶叶(Fair Trade Tea) • 背景 • 目的 • 思路...
Numi Organic Tea is a premium, Fair Trade sustainable company specializing in unique and innovative blends of green, black, white, oolong teas, Pu-erh, rooibos, herbal and Flowering Tea™.
雷公山高山红茶 绿茶 | 茶香纯正 | 公平贸易 * High Mountain Black/Green Tea From Mount Leigong | Fair Trade ¥45 生态洛神花玫瑰茶 | Eco-rose & roselle scented tea ¥63 生态武夷岩茶系列| 大红袍茶 肉桂茶 水仙茶 | 乌龙茶分支 | 合作生产 | 基地直发包邮*Ecological Wuyishan Rock Tea ...
Fair trade tea: what it is, what problems it intends to solve, and criticisms and limitations of the fair trade movement.
生态茶·熟普茶饼 | 公平贸易*Eco-Cooked Pu'er tea of single bud | Fair trade,香气淡雅绵柔,汤色深红透亮。
Making the world a fairer place sip by sip. We have been working with Fairtrade since 1994 and today we are very proud to be the world’s largest Fairtrade tea brand. Clipper products are sourced and made with a clear conscience. We constantly strive to improve the welfare of the workers...
生态茶·雨前龙井(24年新茶) | 合作生产* Longjing Tea of Early spring | Coproduction ¥220 野生麦冬 | 合作生产 * Wild Ophiopogon Japonicus | Coproduction 大家都在买 ¥65 蒙北天然植物奶粉 | 公平贸易*Mengbei Natural Plant Milk Powder | Fair trade ¥398 生态茶·单芽熟普 | 公平...
In 1994, Clipper became the UK’s first Fairtrade tea company. Over 25 years later, Clipper is the world’s largest buyer of Fairtrade tea.
单芽熟普 普洱茶 核心产区 | 公平贸易 | 基地直发 包邮 * Pu'Er Tea | Fair Trade,100g/包-原料来自普洱茶核心产区,放荒三年,执行欧盟有机标准;清明节前采摘一芽一叶,加工工艺为烘干型中度发酵。