必应词典为您提供fairtradelabel的释义,网络释义: 公平贸易标签;贸易组织的商标;
Environmental labelling, fair-trade labelling or adapted marketing are possibilities to overcome these impediments 环境标识、公平贸易标识或调整行销方法,是克服这些障碍的主要手段。 MultiUn To be entitled to use the fair trade label, stakeholders must comply with a set of strict requirements 为了有...
Producers, Grower groups, processors, importers or exporters, brands, distributors can apply for this Fair Trade label. Why choose Ecocert? With nearly 30 years of experience for audit and certification of organic products in France and in more than 130 countries, Ecocert is the world's leading...
Indeed, this is the key message provided by the Fairtrade label, conveyed to consumers every time they purchase a Fairtrade product: 'FAIRTRADE guarantees a better deal for Third World Producers'. 1 However, the device of product assurance in Fairtrade cannot be reduced to the label and its...
Is It a Fair Trade? You may have noticed a"fair trade" label on a product you bought recently. More and more companies are joining the fair trade movement and showing it on their packaging. But what exactly is fair trade? Fair trade is a social movement designed to create beter trading...
bysettingtheFairtradestandardsandbycreatingtheframeworkthatenables tradetotakeplaceatconditionsfavourabletothem.TheNationalLabellingOrganizations, membersofFLOInternational,encourageindustryandconsumerstosupportfairertradeandto purchasetheproducts.Productsthatcarryoneoftheindependentconsumerguarantees–a FairtradeLabel–ensure...
Assuming that consumers perceive a label both as a sign of quality and of a particular characteristic of a product, we deduce theoretical determinants for preferences for three types of label: a health label, an eco-label and a fair trade label. Using a French survey on seafood products, ...
However,thecompanysaidthatithadnotdecidedwhethertoplaceafairtradelabeloncoffeegrownonlargeplantations. 但是,该公司表示并没有决定要不要在那些大型种植园产出的咖啡产品上打上标签。 article.yeeyan.org 2. Theresponsibilitiesthatcamewithher ascensionasarecordingstarwereafairtrade-offforthejoyousreleaseofwriting. ...
fair trade n. 1.Trade carried on according to a commercial agreement under which distributors sell products of a given class at no less than a minimum price set by the manufacturer. 2.Trade that is considered fair because it respects workers' rights and minimizes environmental damage. ...
Applicants are certified against the ecolabels’s criteria before using the label Managing organization | Who manages this ecolabel?NameFairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO)Member of ISEAL TypeNon-profitAlso managesNone.Organization type: 10871...