Fair Housing Helper is pleased to offer the following options for remote compliance training via Zoom: Option #1: Fair Housing Core Training (2 hours) Basic training on fair housing compliance Covers Fair Housing Act and related federal laws as well as state/local differences ...
If you're a landlord or property manager, it's essential to get familiar with fair housing laws to avoid discrimination complaints from tenants. Take advantage of Black Friday to get up to speed on fair housing compliancefor only $4.99... DownloadFair Housing Helper for Apartment Professionalsfo...
Viens v. American Empire Surplus Lines Ins. Co., 113, F. Supp.3d 555 (D. Conn. 2015). Lead counsel for landlords challenging insurer's underwriting criteria that charged higher premiums or denied coverage to landlords who rent apartments to tenants receiving Section 8 housing assistance. Consen...
Felicia Bradley, a black tenant, claimed that Carydale Enterprises, owner of the Holly Court Apartments, was guilty of attempting to evict Bradley after she charged another tenant with racial harassment. The court ruled that Carydale was in violation of civil rights laws. The ruling demonstrated ...
California is accusing Concord of violating fair housing laws. CONCORD, Calif. - California is accusing Concord of possibly violating fair housing laws because of a recent vote on affordable housing. A developer first proposed building nearly 200 low-cost, state-financed apartments downtown, the Eas...
for a new tenant. The above property description and information is deemed to be accurate but is not guaranteed and may be changed without notice. We do business in accordance with all State and Federal Fair Housing Laws. Peak Residential, Inc. does not advertise on Craigslist or Facebook ...
All real estate located in the United States of America and advertised herein is subject to the US Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intenti...
Apartments and Flexible Housing The Westminster Arcade in Providence, Rhode Island (sometimes referred to as America's first mall) wasfamously transformedinto a large complex of "micro-apartments." Could large retail spaces that formerly housed Bed, Bath & Beyond do the same thing? Another option...
Fair housing laws are complex and multifaceted. We advise for-profit and not-for-profit housing owners, managers and real estate brokers on all aspects of compliance, including compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Our representation ...
As per item 3 above, increase or make more available information regarding Fair Housing Laws. Increase education for property owners on Section 8 as often there is a biased stigma against Section 8 vouchers holders. Create property tax incentives for property owners who accept Section 8 vouchers...