The meaning of FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT is required credit agencies to make their records available to the consumer and report credit information only to authorized third parties. It also provided procedures by which consumers could challenge and correc
网络公平信誉报告法案 网络释义 1. 公平信誉报告法案 《公平信誉报告法案》(Fair Credit Act)规定,公司在使用调查机构时应将背景调查一事通知求职者。另外,如果在雇主提供 …|基于11个网页
网络公平信用报告法 网络释义 1. 公平信用报告法 1、《公平信用报告法》(Fair Credit Report Act)2、《平等信用机会法》(Equal Credit Opportunity Act)3、《公平债务催 …|基于7个网页
Chase Bank May Have Violated Fair Credit Act, Rules 9th CircuitMurphy, Pat
Fair Credit Billing Act A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 词条 中文 《公平信用票据法》 解释 〈美〉 联邦法律之一,该法旨在更方便地解决因票据错误引起的争议,并使信用卡公司对其持卡人所购商品的质量承担更大的责任。
The federalFair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)is one of the strongest consumer protection laws. The FCRA is designed to ensure the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of consumer reporting agencies. Unfortunately, credit reporting errors and violations of the FCRA are common....
Since 1968, the conceptsof"fair"and"equal"credithavebeen written into laws that bar unfair discrimination in credit [...] 自1968年起, 美國已在其法律內加入“公平”及 “平等”信貸的概念,以禁止信貸交易上 的歧視情況、訂明消費者有權知道貸款遭拒的理由、容許顧客從信用...
TheFederal Trade Commission (FTC)and theConsumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)are the two federal agencies charged with overseeing and enforcing the provisions of the law. Many states also have their own laws relating to credit reporting. The FCRA in its entirety can be found inUnited State...
The 1970 Fair Credit Reporting Act protects the financial privacy of consumers. In 2003, the Act was amended by The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. Apart from adding requirements to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act assigned agencies ...
The Fair Credit Billing Act is often compared to theFair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Both are designed to protect consumers from bad credit practices, but the purpose of each law is different. The Fair Credit Reporting Act is a federal law that regulates the collection and reporting of credi...