5.Single resource fairness:对于单个资源的分配应对简化为最大最小公平。 6.Bottleneck fairness:如果一个资源是按百分比被每个租户所需要的,则该资源分配简化为最大最小公平。 7.Populationmonotonicity:当用户离开系统并放弃其资源时,剩余用户的分配都不会减少。 8.Resource monotonicity:如果向系统添加了更多的资源,...
DRF(Dominant Resource Fairness)算法在多资源类型分配中展现出了其独特优势。以一个系统拥有9个CPU和18GB RAM为例,假设用户A每个任务消耗1个CPU和4GB内存,用户B每个任务消耗3个CPU和1GB内存。DRF通过计算每个用户对资源的主要需求份额,最终分配给用户A三个任务和用户B两个任务。具体分配为用户A获得2...
Dominant Resource Fairness: Fair Allocation of Multiple Resource Types
Stoica. Dominant resource fairness: Fair allocation of multiple resource types. In NSDI, 2011.Ghodsi, A.; Zaharia, M.; Hindman, B.; Konwinski, A.; Shenker, S.; and Stoica, I. 2011. Dominant resource fair- ness: Fair allocation of multiple resource types. In Proceed- ings of the 8th...
We consider the problem of fair resource allocation in a system containing different resource types, where each user may have different demands for each resource. To address this problem, we propose Dominant Resource Fairness (DRF), a generalization of max-min fairness to multiple resource types. ...
DominantResourceFairness:FairAllocationofMultipleResourceTypes AliGhodsi,MateiZaharia,BenjaminHindman,AndyKonwinski,ScottShenker,IonStoica UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley {alig,matei,benh,andyk,shenker,istoica}@cs.berkeley.edu Abstract Weconsidertheproblemoffairresourceallocation ...
Multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) transmit precoding and resource allocation are linked to the underlying proportional-fair scheduling to ensure a good trade-off between cell-average and cell-edge user spectral-efficiency. Due to the coupled interference among mobile stations, the resulting ...
We developed a fair-diverse scarce resource allocation optimization framework. • We considered a trade-off between Geographical Diversity and Social group Fairness. • We proposed a tuning approach to find an optimum range for the trade-off parameter. • We evaluated the performance of our pr...
van der Schaar."A Bargaining Theoretic Approach to Quality-fair System Resource Allocation for Multiple Decoding Tasks,". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems . 2008N. Mastronarde and M. van der Schaar, "A bargaining theoretic ap- proach to quality-fair system resource allocation for ...
In this paper, we present a novel max-min fair resource allocation scheme to increase system capacity and improve the communication quality of cell-edge users. We assume the users within one cell operate on orthogonal frequency channels, while users in different cells can reuse frequency channels ...