Fainting is not caused by head trauma, since the loss of consciousness after ahead injuryis considered aconcussion. However, fainting can cause injury if the person falls and hurts themselves, or if the fainting occurs while participating in an activity like driving a car. Fainting is differentiat...
Low circulating blood volume, caused by blood loss (external or internal), dehydration, or heat exhaustion Impaired circulatory reflexes, caused by many medications, disorders of the nervous system, diabetes, or congenital problems Cardiac syncope: Heart disease causes a person to faint by a variety...
Fainting, also called syncope (pronounced SIN-ko-pee), is a sudden, brief loss of consciousness and posture caused by decreased blood flow to the brain.Faintingis a common problem, accounting for 3% of emergency room visits and 6% of hospital admissions. A person may feel faint and lightheade...
Non-cardiac causes: Syncope is most commonly caused by conditions that do not directly involve the heart. These conditions include: Posturalorthostatic hypotension: Drop in blood pressure due to changing body position to a moreverticalposition after lying or sitting; Dehydration causing a decrease in ...
Syncope is caused by a decrease in blood flow to the brain. When blood flow to the brain decreases, oxygen to the brain also decreases. Any of the following conditions may cause syncope:A heart condition, such as a narrow artery or an irregular heartbeat A medical condition such as severe...
Medical Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to fainting:Fainting goats Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> flake out swoon languish weaken fade pass out hearty enervated weak at the k...
caused bymilddizziness,orphysical discomfort symptoms become more pronounced original. en.int-tm.com en.int-tm.com 大约有15%的人群在服用tongbeauty诺丽果王活性营养胶囊期间会出现短期的排毒反映(也叫清理反 应,主要特征表现为大小便次数增加等),这主要是因为诺丽果粉中的有效成分快速进入细胞,人体内大量的...
(caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure which can be the result of various health conditions or standing too long), situational syncope (can be caused by an emotional/traumatic experience such as seeing a lot of blood), and postural syncope (caused by sudden changes in posture such...
Seizures are mainly caused by a disturbance in the brain's normal electrical functions, while fainting is due to a blood flow reduction to the brain. Fainting can sometimes accompany a seizure and a seizure can sometimes be accompanied by episodes of fainting....
a sudden drop in blood pressure. low blood sugar due to diabetes. hyperventilation. dehydration. standing in one position for too long. standing up too quickly. Why do goats faint? The reaction is typically caused by a myotonic goat being spooked by, for example, loud sounds or a sudden mo...