Physiologic strategies to prevent fainting responses during or after whole blood donation Vasovagal syncope (VVS) is a consistent, but infrequent (0.1%-0.3%) complication of volunteer, whole blood donation. Given the large number of blood donati......
In Dave, the eponymous character performs one after confessing to the President's illegal actions and exonerating the Vice President, during the joint session of Congress. It works because the President (whom he had been impersonating) had suffered a stroke earlier in the movie, and everyone ...
tellyou what should upsettingyou most morninglittle sister Ournephew Angel whomDo we know her marriedTell me tell me faintingfromcuriosity secondplace “Don’tfaint Farnecita Her name AngelesWe don’t know her aren’tmarried Nowget yourselfhe’s abandoned her chaseafter nouveauriche Penelope Lpez...