BACKGROUND: Failure to thrive impairs children's weight gain and growth, their defenses against infection, and their psychomotor and intellectual development. METHODS: This paper is a review of pertinent articles that were published from 1995 to October 2010 and contained the terms "failure to thriv...
FAILURE to thrive syndromeHOLISTIC medicineINFANT formulasINFANT nutritionLACTATIONBreastfeeding is the best way to feed infants, but optimal milk transfer and weight gain depend on good latching. Tongue- and lip-tie can prevent successful latching and prevent adequate nutrition. Ton...
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica(AE), a rare autosomal recessive disorder is characterized by onset before age 1,failure to thrive diarrhea,alopecia,a vesciculobullous eruption around the mouth, anus hands and feet,high susceptibility to infection.The disorder is related to zinc metabolism and low level...
published inPLOS Genetics, links lysosomal dysfunction with intestinal disorders for the first time, pointing to a previously unknown target for research and future therapies to helpinfantsunable to absorb milk nutrients and gain weight, a diagnosis called failure to thrive. ...
Parents moved to Italy when the child was one and a half months. Besides lack of weight gain, the infant had frequent vomiting (with normal stools) and was referred to our Department for dystrophy and failure to thrive. On examination M., aged 2 months, weighed 3340 g (<3rd percentile)...
Modeling the Recurrent Failure to Thrive in Less than Two-year Children: Recurrent Events Survival Analysis BACKGROUND: This study aimes to evaluate the failure to thrive (FTT) recurrent event over time. METHODS: This longitudinal study was conducted during Febru... AS Malehi,E Hajizadeh,K ...
(formulas are given in Sect.3.1). The two orientation models evaluate the efficiency of the DMU from the perspective of input or output directions in terms of their respective impact on the efficiency scores and their rankings. Models 1–3 and 4–6 make comparisons between these two ...
Young humans are typically sensitive to evolutionarily important aspects of information in the surrounding environment in a way that makes us thrive. Seeking to probe the putative disruptions of this process in infancy, I examined the statistical character of head movements in 52 9–10 mo-old infan...
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica(AE), a rare autosomal recessive disorder is characterized by onset before age 1,failure to thrive diarrhea,alopecia,a vesciculobullous eruption around the mouth, anus hands and feet,high susceptibility to infection.The disorder is related to zinc metabolism and low level...