3fc783611028b1707fd65345e763befb36454d73 slave 3e3a6cb0d9a9a87168e266b0a0b24026c0aae3f0 0 1385543179583 0 connected f093c80dde814da99c5cf72a7dd01590792b783b :0 myself,master - 0 0 0 connected 2938205e12de373867bf38f1ca29d31d0ddb3e46 slave 3c3a0c74a...
Current Behavior & Input Code My product uses sentinel's master node discovery. https://github.com/lettuce-io/lettuce-core/wiki/Redis-Sentinel#sentinel.redis-discovery-using-redis-sentinel The other day, the redis sentinel node(VM) became unable to return a response due to a hypervisor failure,...
Master migration not started yet. The Tuxedo application service on the backup node executes successfully and does return a response one minute before the Tuxedo JCA client side timeout occurs.TCP dump files show that the response from Tuxedo arrives at the Websphere side port in time but is ...