failness:非正式名词,侧重描述抽象状态或特质(如“他的‘failness’导致项目停滞”),隐含主观评价色彩。 语境适用性 failure:适用于正式与非正式场合,如学术报告(“实验失败”)或日常对话(“尝试失败了”)。 failness:多用于调侃、自嘲等非正式交流,例如在社交媒体吐槽“今天又解锁了新‘failnes...
United Fail Their Forfeitness Test [Eire Region]Moxley, Neil
Test: failover/liveness/pause (require.go:1357).NoError: FailNow called (monitor.go:149).Wait: monitor failure: monitor user task failed: t.Fatal() was called test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/failover/liveness/pause/run_1 Parameters: arch=amd64 cloud=gce coverageBuild=false cpu=2...
(monitor.go:149).Wait: monitor failure: full command output in run_084002.709864860_n5_cockroach-workload-r.log: COMMAND_PROBLEM: exit status 1 (cluster.go:2456).Run: context canceled test artifacts and logs in: /artifacts/failover/liveness/disk-stall/run_1 Parameters: arch=amd64 cloud=gce...
Many people fail to find happiness 1 D they always focus on something that troubles them every day. 2 B is your secret to happi-ness? I want to share the following story with you.Once upon a time, there lived a man named John who 3 A himself as a clever man. He always thought ...
try { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("image", image); map.put("liveness_control", "NORMAL"); map.put("group_id_list", "INVT"); map.put("image_type", "BASE64"); //并没有配置活体人脸检测的参数,可是接口还是返回liveness check fail String param = GsonUtils.toJson(map); ...
Reader Bobsv57 asks: Tom, a question for you. I am under the impression that most, if not all, of the money used to bail out banks has been paid back with...
Nordson NI-201A (Fail Secure) 250mA@12VDC 140mA@24 VDC Stainless steel drop bolt Sturdiness Electric Lock $17.00 - $18.50 Min. order: 1 piece Nordson NE-280S Electric Gate Locks with LED for access control system Magnetic Lock $16.00 - $18.60 ...
McNutt, M. (2013). The #nbcfail olympics: Access, liveness and the public interest. The Journal of Popular Television, 1, 121-128.M. McNutt, "The NBC fail Olympics: Access, liveness and the public interest," The Journal of Popular Television, vol. 1, pp. 121-128, 2013....
HOMELESSNESS AND HOUSING AMONG STATUS IMMIGRANT, NON-STATUS MIGRANT, AND CANADIAN-BORN FAILIES IN TORONTOParadis, EmilyNovac, SylviaSarty, MonicaHulchanski, J. DavidCanadian Issues / Thèmes CanadiensParadis E, Novac S, Sarty M, Hulchanski JD. Homelessness and Housing among Status Immigrant, ...