ERROR Error when sending message to topic test with key: null, value: 2 bytes with error: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms. 解决方案: 这样的问题需要修改broker的配置文件config/server.properties来解决: 1你的IP地址(不能为hostname,一定要是IP地址。如果需要从外网访问,...
When I use Topgrade to do my system udates and it gets to the firmware update I get the below. Have tried a couple of things to fix it from another issue thread but nothing works. Failed to update metadata for lvfs: checksum failure: fai...
DEBUG:kafka.producer.kafka:_wait_on_metadata woke after 6.909250736236572 secs. DEBUG:kafka.producer.kafka:Requesting metadata update for topic PairsUpdated DEBUG:kafka.client:Sending metadata request MetadataRequest_v1(topics=['PairsUpdated']) to node bootstrap-0 DEBUG:kafka.protocol.parser:Sending re...
ERROR Error when sending message to topic test with key: null, value: 2 bytes with error: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms. 解决方案: 这样的问题需要修改broker的配置文件config/server.properties来解决:你的IP地址(不能为hostname,一定要是IP地址。如果需要从外网访问,则...
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docker启动kafka failed to update metadata after %s sec one_8274关注IP属地: 北京 2020.02.20 21:53:56字数72阅读679 原因分析 设置kafka连接 max_block_ms 是否太小,连接超时 遇到的问题解决 kafka连接问题,需要在kafka yml文件或启动命令中添加inside和outside配置,如下图示例: environment: #HOSTNAME_...
ERROR Error when sending message to topic kafka_streaming_topic with key: null, value: 3 bytes with error: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms 问题分析# 使用消费者命令( --zookeeper hadoop5:2181 --topic kafka_streaming_topic)消费数据,出错如下: WARN [console-consum...
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms. 1. 2. 3. 把KafkaClient更改为如下的配置,就可以 了: KafkaClient { required useTicketCache=true; };