=> changed=false msg: 'Failed to update apt cache: ' 👍1angelk reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍 tersmittenaddedbugenhancementlabelsFeb 26, 2020 Member tersmittencommentedNov 27, 2024 tersmittenclosed this ascompletedNov 27, 2024
ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME apt ANSIBLE VERSION ansible CONFIGURATION OS / ENVIRONMENT Ubuntu 14.04 SUMMARY Cannot update cache. STEPS TO REPRODUCE --- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: no connection: local become: yes ta...
Error: unexpected error happend during sending data to cache server. pckid_retrieval.csv has been generated successfully, however the data couldn't be sent to cache server! so I think this cause the 404 error. But I can't found the reason why the data couldn't be sent to cache server....
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "sh": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown (exec.go:78:0s) ...
[ndbd] INFO -- Restart 分享4赞 黑色沙漠台服吧 ClaudeFan 【解决方案】Failed to connect patch server删除【我的文档】 用户名\Documents\Black Desert 目录下的文件及 UserCache 目录 如果还不行,就全删了,注意保存 Customization 目录,这是捏脸数据 分享42 php吧 JerryY◆ 求WordPress开发大神解决个问题...
unknown解决办法 NGINX下配置404错误页面的方法分享 Linux操作总结(三) Nginx环境搭建 Linux SafeDog安全狗 安装 win10下禁止自动更新,Window Update禁用无效后续方法 Centos7笔记之shell基本命令(一) vmware-vmx进程无法结束(拒绝访问)解决办法 Linux操作总结(二) Linux下vim命令的总结 通过宝塔面板实现MySQL性能简单调优...
Reason: "The core archive failed to download or unpack" Installation complete. Thanks for using AMP! It froze for a while on this step [Activity] Audit: Unknown/None [CreateInstance] Created instance ADS01 using ADS module on port 8080. then it threw the error. The port 8080 is not in...
When trying to launch Minecraft 1.14.4, it fails with an exception. Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Failed to locate library: liblwjgl.so Reinstalling Minecraft.deb and running "apt install liblwjgl-java" did not seem to help this issue. ...
- Apt tries to start/stop/restart services since it thinks we have systemd it runs the systemctl tool. In this case i don't understand QuoteThe message above starts after I create a swap file and reboot the machine. All this is done via ssh. How are you making the swap file? Whe...
However for now we were able to successfully revert back to 17.1.2 with no need for backup recovery. Michael Witrant @sigmike · 6 months ago We are having a similar issue during the same upgrade using apt. The error is also about a dependent object still existing, but not on the ...