this issue started when we upgraded an lxc to buster. systemctl status apache2.service ● apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server Loaded: loaded...
New configuration files for the Apache web server were not created due to errors in the configuration models: Can not restart web server: INFO: Service: httpd, Action: stop Trying to stop service httpd ... WARNING! Httpd - control script d...
apache/apisix:3.7.0-debian Docker 镜像创建的容器启动后一直报错,提示:failed to load the configuration: failed to start a etcd instance: /usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/grpc.lua:102: The gRPC client engine is not initialized. Need to ensure the grpc engine exist in the defined NGX_GRPC_CLI...
Failed to start component xxx... eclipse项目启动时,报Failed to start component错误。个人总结解决方法。 1、进入工作空间,找到当前项目的tmp文件夹。(工作空间\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmpx),清空其中的temp下的所有文件,清空work下的所有文件。 2、在eclipse中clean一下tomcat,之后再...
/home/user/.local/share/multimc/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.22/commons-compress-1.22.jar /home/user/.local/share/multimc/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.13.0/commons-lang3-3.13.0.jar /home/user/.local/share/multimc/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5...
刚刚使用systemctl start firewalld命令开启防火墙的时候,却开不成功,出现Failed to start firewalld.service: Unit is masked的错误,经过搜索下后,发现是firewalld服务被锁定了,这里说下方法。 执行命令,即可实现取消firewalld的锁定 systemctl unmask firewalld 解锁后,就可以再开启firewalld防火墙了。这...
Move to new server failed ℹ️ Support nc25 badelf 2022 年12 月 16 日 01:21 1 Support intro Nextcloud version (eg, 20.0.5): Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.1) Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20.04): Debian 11 bullseye - up to date Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4....
systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE systemd[1]: apache2.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. systemd[1]: Reload failed for The Apache HTTP Server. I think if the systemd service Type=Forking, when the main process exit ...
Website hosted in Plesk is displayed incorrectly, shows HTTP ERROR 500, it's not possible to log in to the PHP application and/or the following error might be found on the Apache log file/var/www/vhost/system/
端口是8080,可能会端口冲突启动Jenkins: /etc/init.d/jenkinsrestart 端口冲突了 修改Jenkins配置文件端口 /etc/default/jenkins...按照网上教程操作 第二步:将Debian包存储库地址附加到服务器的sources.list echo deb binary ...